你今天所享受的现代工业文明的一切成果,基本都源于以English为代表的西方文明!! 没有以English为代表的西方文明,李嘉诚、马云……还在穿着长袍马褂、戴着瓜皮帽、坐着马车、点着煤油灯、用着算盘,官商勾结做着丝绸、茶叶、china、盐巴……的生意……钱学森、杨振宁……还在写8股文、考状元、做大官,然后和一个腐朽不堪的王朝一起灭亡……黄种人都吃着人血馒头、人肉……!
Category: English
《天净沙 • 秋思》英译
Perished vines, old trees, and crows in dusk
A household with a small bridge over a creek
A skinny horse in a westbound wind on an ancient road
The evening sun setting to the west
That heartbroken person at the end of the world
《浪淘沙令 · 帘外雨潺潺》英译
Rain is babbling outside the curtain
Spring is fading out once again
Midnight’s chilliness was so keen,
silky embroidery quilt couldn’t sustain
In a dream, I escaped to joy overnight,
temporarily forgetting I was detained
It keeps drizzling on the Tomb Sweeping Day
Travelers are overwhelmed with sorrows on their way.
I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a pub?
He points to the village amidst apricot blossoms far away.
Poems by Rabindranath Tagore
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
With all a land of freedom has to offer
With all that a land of freedom has to offer
I am afraid you say that you love me too…
I am afraid you say that you love me too…